The Dying Art of Radio.

At the risk of dating myself in one of the most ageist industries since supermodeling, I just want to say that as a former (and often, still current) copywriter, my favorite medium is and will always be radio. Whether it’s terrestrial, streaming, or beamed directly into our soon-to-be-installed cranial microchips, the opportunity to create a character or paint a landscape in your listener’s mind is an incredible thing. Long gone are the days of the :60 and here-to-stay are the days of the “kind of an afterthought” Pandora :10 – but if you really want to know if someone can write, ask if they got a reel. 

Look down. Here’s some of my greatest misses.

Sadly, most scripts never see the dim light of the studio. Below are some of my all-time favorites – available exclusively in upscale landfills and this website.

Project Details

  • Agency Producers: Robert Farthing, John Haggerty, Linda Hart
    CCOs: Tom Ortega, Mark Simon
    My Role: Copywriter, Director

    Audio Engineers: Sam Esparza @BigU, David Guerrero @LA Studios,Bob Giammarco @audioEngine


The Great Wine Hustle


I'll Deck You